Monday, November 22, 2010

Black Sea Letex 2010 (International Specialized Exhibition)

Începînd cu 18 noiembrie pînă pe 21, în Chişinău, la Moldexpo s-a petrecut o expoziţie internaţională “BLACK SEA LETEX” de materie primă şi nu doar pentru industria uşoară. Multe fabrici şi-au expus producţia, mulţi designeri de bijuterii handmade nu au lipsit de la eveniment, companii precum Singer. Iuvas Conti. şi altele :)Cireaşa de pe tort a fost evident, prezentarea colecţiilor tinerilor designeri vestimentari organizată de centrul de tineri designeri din Chişinău, Art Podium şi anume de fondatoarea acestui centru, Valentina Radcenco, omul care oferă şanse tinerilor designeri de a se afirma, o doamnă inteligentă, cu demnitate şi caracter. :)

În cea de-a doua zi a expoziţiei, am urmărit prezentarea colecţiilor designerilor apreciaţi peste hotare precum Angelica Severin, care a expus o colecţie destul de neobişnuită.. foarte intersantă nişte texturi neobişnuite...o concepţie adevărată, ceva influenţat de futurism.. colecţii cu aspect marinar.Un alt designer vestimentar, o doamnă atît de plăcută şi cu idei revoluţionare, aş zice, creatoarea costumelor pentru Natalia Barbu la concursul Eurovision din 2007, cîştigătoarea premiilor internaţionale e Ala Leancă.Mai jos am să depun poze de la prezentare. Dar... înainte aş vrea să o menţionez încă pe doamna Ludmila Ivaşkina. Merg eu după catwalk să privesc produsele autohtone. Şii... am dat peste un boutique cu diferite palarii influenţate de anii trecuţi, de generaţia Coco Chanel. Am rămas plăcut impresionată. Era o colecţie de pălării SUPERBE. Nu puteam sa mă abţin de la probarea lor şi chiar am plecat acasă cu un exemplar unic al unei pălăriuţe. Cel mai interesant lucru e faptul că doamna Ludmila Ivaşkina,cea care realiza în boutique pălăriile e şi designer-ul lor. Se ocupă cu acest job de 55 de ani. Am rămas perplexă practic cînd am auzit. O doamnă inteligentă, sociabilă, deschisă şi cu o verticalitate exemplară.M-am convins că în Moldova sunt oameni talentaţi, oameni care încearcă să promoveze ţara, oameni care în pofida condiţiilor încearcă să meargă mai departe, să lupte şi pentru aceasta Un PROFUND RESPECT! Jos PĂLĂRIA Organizatorilor Expoziţiei şi Art Podium-ului. sunteţi BRAVO! :)

Starting on 18th of November till 21th in Chisinau, at Moldexpo was organized the “BLACK SEA LETEX” International Specialized exhibition of goods, equipment and raw materials for the light industry. A lot of  companies exposed their goods, a lot of designers of handmade jewelry participated there..also the companies like Singer. Iuvas and Conti.The "Cherry on the Cake" was the presentation of fashion collections from young designers organized by The Centre of Young Designers and especially by the founder of the centre Valentina Radcenco, woman who illuminates the way to succeed for young designers, a very intelligent, worthily one. In the second day of exhibition, Angelica Severin  designer with a lot of prizes presented her collection, an unusual one, very interesting, with some strange textures, a real concept, something from the Futurism, but also the collection inspired by sailor's style.Another designer, a very kind woman with some interesting ideas, the creator of costumes for Natalia Barbu at Eurovision 2007, the winner of different national and international competitions and  her name is Ala Leancă.I will put some pictures below the post. Buut.. before, i would like to mention an unique, sociable, outspoken woman. Her name is Ludmila Ivaskina. How i met her? After the presentation, me with my friend decided to watch some boutiques..aaand.. i found a very sweet boutique with different Hats inspired by early years, by Coco Chanel for example. I was really impressed. It was an AWESOME Collection of Hats for reasonable prices. It was impossible for me, not to try them. At the end i bought one hat (and i'm in love with it) The Most interesting fact about all this is, that Ludmila Ivaskina is the seller and the designer of these hats and she started her business 55 years ago.

So, the conclusion of all this, is that in MOLDOVA we have talented people, people who are trying to promote our country, people who despite our poor economy are trying to fight and to change something in our society. RESPECT! HATS OFF for the Organizers of Exhibition and to the Art PODIUM. Bravissimo!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sketches II [inspired by Coco Chanel]

Here are some sketches made by me :)
drawn with pencil and some collages

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Fashion Sketches

Hey! I'm back with a new post.. a special one - for me. It's not like the other posts weren't special, it's just that i started a new hobby..drawing fashion sketches, now i don't know why i'm doing that - waisting time and patience (maybe because i like it), from childhood i enjoyed drawing fashion stuff...and i started to draw again...So, here are some fashion sketches i drew in 2 days. Hope you'll like them, and I can't wait to read your opinions :)

I named this outfit - "Blue marine"

Here i inverted the colours

I named this outfit "Red Flowers"

I named this outfit"Circus Woman"

I named this outfit "Blue Citrus"

this last one i named "Chisinau", in this drawings background you can see a symbol of Moldova's Capital -The City Gates.

Thank you for attention!

This is the first time I'm drawing sketches on PC, so don't judge me too severe :)

Waiting for your comments!